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Landscapers Norwalk CT

Landscaping is the best option when you are looking for an appearance that will increase your home’s enjoyment and property value. A well-established landscape gives your home a lush front without the expenses of remodeling the entire house. However, shaping the outdoors is a project that requires the input of more than one person.

How to hire landscapers in Norwalk CT

Define your needs

The first thing about defining landscaping goals is clarifying the details of your vision. You may want a spacy and relaxed environment that gives your children room to play. Alternatively, you may prefer a garden with a pool or fountain to allow the growth of vegetables and fruits.   


It is essential to find a trustworthy designer, using all the procedures of landing a good landscaper. Keep the following tips in minds during the process:

Find the history of the company and compare the reviews of the firm on different platforms.
Ask for the firm’s portfolio to understand how their finished products will suit your desire
Do not hire a company that has extremely low pricing. The values might be indicative of the firm’s lack of equipment, staff, or professionalism.

Ask for certifications

Certifications vary according to the specifics of the profession. All states require that the landscape professionals have the necessary licensing before they apply their skills. The most common licenses and certifications are by the following bodies:
  • A university institution for the associated bachelor’s degree
  • The International Society of Arboriculture
  • The American Society of Landscape Architects
  • The Association of Professional Landscape Designers
  • Landscape Contractor Licenses

Judge the creativity

The creativity of the landscaper will differentiate their work from that of a counterpart. A good landscape artist should be able to manage the entire project without constant consultations.

The landscaper should also have a specific niche of excellence that fits your mold of desires. The Odore will help design and plan your landscaping project as well as determine the best time to start the project. Here are a few categories of landscapers in Norwalk CT:
  • Landscape architects – They design and plan the land, as well as help you visualize the space
  • Landscape designers – They perform the same duties as an architect without the necessary academic degrees
  • Landscape contractors – The professionals, install features like water elements, stones, grass fences, and walkways
  • Landscape managers – These professionals execute seasonal projects of maintaining the landscape
  • Horticulturists – They have a specialty in handling plants and help them flourish by eliminating threats like pests. They also help plan your garden and coordinate the work between designers and architects
  • Arborists – They take care of trees by pruning and removing weed at annual intervals

Understand the payment method

Make sure you understand the specifics of the payment method by clarifying if you should settle a down payment or full pay. The discussion on finances should also include details about the budget. A good rule of thumb is to set aside five to ten percent of the home’s value to the landscaping project.
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